Sunday, January 28, 2018

Bug: Chrome Logged Out From Most Websites Upon Being Closed

There is a major annoying bug occurring with Chrome Version 64.0.3282.119 (Official Build) which has not been resolved for nearly a week. The bug is related to Chrome failing to stay signed in with most websites. It appears to have something to do with cookies in newer versions of Chrome, in particular cookie creation. Some users may not have experienced it yet, as the cookies they have were created prior to the affected version and were migrated from version 63.

What is frustrating is there is very little information from developers about this Chrome logout issue. Further it is frustrating that due to the nature of Chrome, it is impossible to revert back to a previous version officially. In order to revert back to version 63, you must find the old installer and then force Chrome to prevent updating. It is unacceptable that no proper downgrade method exists and one must jump through hoops to make things work.

What makes this situation worse is that many websites are now using two factor authentication, in some cases each time you are logged out of your account, you need to follow the long and tedious process of authentication.

UPDATE #1: It appears that Chrome Canary Version 66 has fixed this issue.

UPDATE #2: Issue appears to be resolved in Chrome Version 64.0.3282.140 (Official Build)

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Various Updates

Finally updated Gift Template & Energy Use Calculator to responsive design. Most interesting lesson that I learned is that a canvas element can be resized via CSS without affecting the pixel size of the given canvas, so simple but I never realized this until now.

Added a new simple Valentine Gift Certificate
valentine gift certificate

A new article on the best electricity usage monitor (within the lower price range), the P3 P4400 Kill A Watt. Extremely useful for testing electronics for power usage. Used it extensively to test many different devices in the past while. Recently made a new Ryzen 7 system and used it to determine energy usage for overclocking and such, power meters are very convenient & far more accurate than any software tools. In case you are wondering Ryzen 7 1700 overclocked to 3.7GHz @ 1.15V, with a GTX 1060, 16GB DDR4, system uses about 60-65W on idle and 130-180W on gaming & benchmarking, with a 24 inch LED screen system stays below 200-210W on the heaviest benchmarks.